Enter your name as it is shown on your statement Please enter your full first name and last name MinMaxErrorMessage Please enter your full name RegExpToMatchErrorMessage Date of birth (day and month) MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage Please add a date from 1 to 31 Please add a date from 1 to 31 Please add a date from 1 to 31 RegExpToMatchErrorMessage Month Month January February March April May June July August September October November December MinMaxErrorMessage Please tell us your month of birth RegExpToMatchErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage Please tell us the retailer where you made your purchase RegExpToMatchErrorMessage No retailer? Add ‘Ikano’ MinMaxErrorMessage Please provide a valid email address You must provide a valid email address so that we can contact you What address do we currently hold for you? LengthErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. Please enter a valid flat number MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage LengthErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. Please enter a valid house number MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage Please enter the postcode of your current address This doesn't appear to be a valid UK postcode. Please check and try again. What address have you moved to? LengthErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. Please enter a valid flat number MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage LengthErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. Please enter a valid house number MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage Please enter your new address and postcode This doesn't appear to be a valid UK postcode. Please check and try again. Submit Thank you Your change of address has been submitted. This may take up to 5 working days to update on your account.