Is your account in credit? Your account could be in credit if you've: paid more than the amount due on your statement had a refund. A credit shows on your statement as a minus figure. If your account is in credit you can ask us for a credit balance refund. We aim to process your request within 7 working days.
Credit balance refund form MinMaxErrorMessage Please enter your first name RegExpToMatchErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage Please enter your surname RegExpToMatchErrorMessage Date of birth (day and month) MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage Please add a date from 1 to 31 Please add a date from 1 to 31 Please add a date from 1 to 31 RegExpToMatchErrorMessage Month Month January February March April May June July August September October November December MinMaxErrorMessage Please tell us your month of birth RegExpToMatchErrorMessage MinMaxErrorMessage Please enter your post code so we can find your account This doesn't appear to be a valid UK postcode. Please check and try again. MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. Please enter a valid email address MinMaxErrorMessage This is a mandatory field. RegExpToMatchErrorMessage This doesn't match the email address you've entered above. MinMaxErrorMessage Please tell us the retailer where you made your purchase RegExpToMatchErrorMessage No retailer? Add ‘Ikano’ How did you make your last payment or overpayment? How did you make your last payment or overpayment? Debit or credit card Direct Debit Bank transfer or faster payment MinMaxErrorMessage Please tell us how you made your last payment or overpayment RegExpToMatchErrorMessage We need the last four digits of the card you paid with MinMaxErrorMessage Please tell us the last 4 digits of the card you paid with This field should only contain numbers. Your sort code must be 6 digits long MinMaxErrorMessage Please tell us the sort code of the bank account you paid with Your sort code should only contain numbers. This field should be 8 digits long MinMaxErrorMessage Please tell us the bank account number you paid with This field should only contain numbers. Send