

How we protect our values and our promise

At Ikano Bank, we strive to live by our values and follow our Ikano Code of Conduct. But even with the best of intentions, things don't always turn out the way we’d want.

There are several internal communication channels available to openly address issues, however we realise that in some situations this might not be possible. That’s why we’ve implemented the EthicsPoint Alertline. This is a confidential, secure, externally managed service that allows you to report anonymously if you feel you need to. The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in English and in the local language of your country.

What issues can I report?

We encourage anyone with a current or past relationship with us who has experienced or observed behaviour of an unlawful or immoral nature in a work-related environment, to come forward without fear of reprisal.

So called ‘whistle-blower’ concerns about misconduct in the workplace, including protected disclosures under local whistle-blowing legislation can also be reported through this platform.

Report a concern

co-worker having a private phone conversation

Product or service problems?

If you want to complain about a product or the service you've received from Ikano Bank, we want to know about it. Please tell us what’s wrong so we can try to put it right.

Make a complaint